This area contains Multimedia materials including key messages, Agency presentations and links to videos from the Agency YouTube channel.


Access to information is a fundamental right – it empowers learners and facilitates their participation in society
Developing a high quality education system that gives all learners the opportunity to raise their achievement is an ethical imperative.
Inclusive practice benefits from the fight against discrimination, racism and xenophobia, while raising awareness and supporting positive practice at school.
The aim of early childhood intervention is to reach all children and families in need of support as early as possible and as quickly as possible

Inclusive Education: Take Action!

Video from the Agency’s fourth Hearing entitled ‘Inclusive education: Take action!’ hosted by Luxembourg Presidency of the European Union in 2015. The aim of the event was to empower and ensure the involvement of learners in shaping educational policies.

A ‘continuum of support’ is needed to enable teachers to take responsibility for all learners and meet their diverse needs
Mainstream schools need to be supported to address the needs of a heterogeneous pupil population regardless of their special educational needs and ethnic origin.
Emerging technologies present clear challenges, but also huge opportunities for widening access and participation in inclusive education.
Everything about us, with us! Young people should be directly involved in all decision-making concerning them.

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